Wednesday 21 April 2010


These images are the last of contrasting words with two images put together. These pictures are of my cousin and I feel that i caught him at just the right moments for cute portraits. I think that they go well together because each image is within seconds of each other. I decided to edited them in a cold, slightly darker way to create an eerier effect to the image because i thought it would create a strong contrast against the venerability of the original images, and the pose of the picture in general. I like how in the top image, the picture shows how he'd been caught in the act and i like the naturalness of the image. The focal point is defiantly the child's eyes in the images because the eye is drawn to the centre of the image and the centre of the face leading to the eyes, the viewer is then lead to the text also in the centre of the picture as a whole. I choose to use contrasting words to the image to show a clear contrast between what the image 'really does mean' and what I've made it mean. Because obviously the child is not corrupt but it makes the viewer question what they're looking at, and looking for deeper meaning or evidence of this corruption i've labelled on the child. 

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