Monday 8 March 2010


I really liked this image because I thought it portrayed seemingly typical britain, an old, quiet village road. I like how the eye follows the road along through the image and how the image is full of lines leading the eye through different directions and focal points. My favourite part to this picture is where the sunlight falls against the road and house breaking up the road, making the image look very picturesque and classical. I edited this image by making it look slightly older and slightly darker to add to the effect of the sunlight, creating a more visually impacting image. I purposfull put the text in the centre of the image, although I think it looks slightly camoflashed because it is inline with the driveway in the image, thus making the viewer look alittle longer at the image.

Adding text to new images♥

Playing with different texts:
I really like the first, fouth and sixth images, I prefer these fonts and styles because they're all different and contrasting. I like the idea of mixing two different fonts together like in picture four because it creates an interesting visual effect, and it also enhances the meanings of the word. I like the sixth picture because the words create such an impact on a relatively simple image. They become the main focus rather than an add on to a picture.

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