Friday 5 March 2010

playing around images

i have here a few images which i took and played around with the idea of text and where to place it on an image.
I really like the type writter font, i think its simple and effective. I desided to choose random lyrics to change the meaning of an image because I dont think that an image should have one initial meaning, i think it should have many.

For this image i chose to use the same font as before but then change 'beautiful' because its such a iconic word, making such an imact. I almost felt it should be pretty to match its meaning. I also feel it extenuates the image and reminds the viewer that simple is beautiful no matter what.
I really like the conposition of this image, i think i managed to capture a moment at just the right time. I like the fact that the trees frame the image and the road draws the eye towards the models. And the fact that the trees create an amazing shadown on the ground which draws the eye to the models shadow. Also i like how the trees and taller than the models making it almost seem like a dream world on the road to nowhere. I edited this image on photoscape playing with the colour curves of the image and then putting a effect on top of the image creating a slightly darker, eerie effect. I chose the lyrics/text 'Do you want the truth or something beautiful' because i think that this image is visually pleasing and creates to me personally the idea of beautiful.

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